Sunday, October 3, 2010

Geo Hurricane Violets

Geo Hurricane Violets HC-101

Natural Light

Artificial Light


Close-up (ew, semi fail)

Lenses in case (left is up, right is down)

Full face

Color/Design: 10/10 I love these. They're actually a darker, more royal purple in regular lighting. I think this pattern would blend nicely with both light and dark eyes :].

Enlargement: 10/10 These are huge for 14mm's -- I really like the amount of enlargement.

Comfort: 9/10 Geo's treat my eyes pretty well for the most part. EOS is only slightly more comfortable.

Seller: 10/10 I totally would have paid for these (I won them from Sam at But that fact aside, Sam is great with communication, shipping, and running pre-orders <3. I would 100% recommend her store. Thanks, Sam!

Overall: New fav purple lens. I have the Super Neon Violets (and I had taken comparison pictures before but deleted them). I will take more comparison pictures later! The Super Neons look fake on my dark brown eyes -- I'm not too fond of them.